Isaccson, Philip. At Portland exhibit, painter realizes Degas' sculptural vision. Portland Press Herald, March 26, 2012

Boros, Phyllis. Mother-Daughter Exhibit at Silvermine. Connecticut Post, Arts & Travel. February 9, 2003

Karmel, Terese. The Georgia O'Keeffe of Dogs. The Chronicle. April 9, 1998, page B8

Sullivan, Terry. The Monty Paintings. American Artist Magazine. January 1998, pages 44-49, pages 73-75
Nigrosh, Leon. A Dog's Life. The Worcester Phoenix, Worcester, MA. December 26, 1997, section 1, page 12
Erbar, Otto Peter. "Reality" is captivating at Brush Gallery. Lowell Sun, Lowell, MA. December 14, 1997

Rosenberg, David. Vigilance figures in a ludicrous episode. Norwalk Hour. July 3, 1997

Tyler, Betty. Controversy hounds banished "nude" dog painting. Fairfield Minuteman. June 19, 1997, page 5

Boros, Phyllis. A.S. Artistic Search. Connecticut Post. June 8, 1997, page E1

Gershman, Elizabeth. 1997 Artist of the Year is Fulfilling Her Dream. Fairfield Citizen-News, May 30, 1997, page C1

Jennings, Kate. Seven women show their divergent styles. Darien News-Review. February 2, 1995, page 35

Cottingham, Jane. Exploring the Boundaries of Nature with Jane Sutherland. American Artist Magazine. January 1993, pages 51-56

Fricke, Mary C. Exhibit draws on creative talents. The Connecticut Post, Bridgeport, CT. August 3, 1993

"Body Parts" exhibit features Sutherland - Silvermine Gallery. The Fairfield Citizen News, Fairfield, CT. July 30, 1993, page 30
Birke, Judy. Through the Garden Gate - A marriage of natural and crafted images in Madison. New Times Connecticut, New Haven, CT. page 34

Raynor, Vivien. Artists Present Other Artists. The New York Times, New York, NY. January 17, 1988, page 16CN

Schlinder, Richard A. Regional Reviews - Jane Sutherland. Art New England, Boston, MA. July 1988

Schindler, Richard A. Escaping Landscape Cliches - Five New England Artists on Exhibit at the Connecticut Gallery in Marlborough. The Hartford Advocate, Hartford, CT. September 1988
Wolff, Millie. Mundane Art Made Memorable. The Palm Beach Daily News, Palm Beach, FL. April 16, 1985, page 3

Tutko, Nancy. 100 Artists Display Both Work and Consciences. The New York Times, New York, NY. July 15, 1984, page 20CN

Becquer, Gustavo Adolpho. Legends and Letters. Bucknell University Press, 1995. Drawings by Jane Sutherland.